Unconventional Help | Online Therapy

Unconventional Help | Online Therapy

So back when the internet first became popular (gotta love a story that starts like this, right?) I remember being so amazed that you could connect with strangers in a different place just via words on a screen. I used to think, “were they even real people?”. Or were...
Who Goes To Therapy

Who Goes To Therapy

I have worked in settings from inner city projects and inpatient drug rehab to private practice and online counseling so have encountered all different kinds of clients. Let me tell you the most common reasons I heard for getting involved in mental health treatment....
Understanding Social Anxiety

Understanding Social Anxiety

Have you ever been walking through a public space and then suddenly started to wonder if you were walking weirdly? Or maybe you sat in a crowded room convinced those behind you were judging the way you were sitting. Maybe you rejoice in the ability to order a pizza...
What Being A Therapist Has Taught Me About People

What Being A Therapist Has Taught Me About People

I am often asked how I manage to hear about struggles, traumas, griefs, and pain day in and day out. My answer is always the same. It’s about the stories. Everyone Has A Story We all have a story. No one escapes this life without one. While all these stories are...
One Therapist’s Thoughts About Depression

One Therapist’s Thoughts About Depression

Depression is the worst. It can make us feel tired, unmotivated, and under valued. Sometimes it happens for seemingly no good reason or in the face of countless logical reasons not to be depressed. It is annoying, frustrating, exhausting, and stubborn. At its worst,...